Foreign Card: Inter-regional Interchange Rates
The table below sets forth the interchange fee applied on Visa transactions originating at merchants located in Australia on Visa cards issued by Visa issuers located outside of the Asia Pacific region.
Fee Program | Classic/Gold | Premium | Super Premium | All Commercial Products |
Product Base Fee Program | 1.10% | 1.85% | 1.98% | 2.00% |
Alternative Fee Program | 1.60% | 1.85% | 1.98% | 2.00% |
Acquirer Downgrade Fee Program | 1.65% | 1.90% | 2.03% | 2.05% |
Key Definitions
- Product Base Fee Program – applies to card present transactions which are cleared within 3 days of purchase date and authorized through VisaNet.
- Alternative Fee Program – applies to card not present transactions which are cleared within 3 days of purchase date for non-airlines transactions and within 7 days of purchase date for airlines transactions, and authorized through VisaNet.
- Acquirer Downgrade Fee Program – applies to all transactions unless they qualify for the Product Base Fee Program or the Alternative Fee Program.
- Classic/Gold – includes the following consumer products: Visa Gold, Visa Classic and Visa Electron.
- Premium – includes the following consumer premium products: Visa Platinum, Visa Rewards and Visa Installment Credential.
- Super Premium – includes the following consumer super premium products: Visa Signature, Visa Infinite, Visa Ultra High Net Worth, Visa Infinite Privilege and Visa Signature Preferred.
- All Commercial Products – includes all commercial products targeted at small businesses and large organizations including Visa Commercial Choice Omni and Visa Commercial Choice Travel. Visa Commercial Choice Omni enables issuers and buyers to support wholesale commercial agreements with acquirers and suppliers for non-travel MCCs. Visa Commercial Choice Travel is designed to support B2B travel payment needs. Tiered interchange rates, capped at 2.0% that are implemented at account range level for cross-border use only are made available for both Visa Commercial Choice Omni and Visa Commercial Choice Travel. Issuers should speak to their Visa representative for more details and consult the appropriate Visa Product Guide for full details.